Impact of an Introvert Personality to Software developers

Isaac Ssemugenyi
3 min readMay 26, 2020
How introvert personality affect the progress of software developers at all levels

Software development as a career path is filled with hopes of becoming the guy to build the next multi-million dollar application for every newbie in the software field. Often times new aspiring developers jump in with a lot of hopes just to achieve this, dive in the learning day in, day out. During the course of learning, developers then get sucked up by the already existing experienced developers with too much work experience, a lot of projects worked on and built. This starts to pose threats to the new developers and they start to doubt their potential, skills, and capability of what they can contribute to society. During the process of self-doubt, the introvert mind (personality) set in, this slowly by slowly consumes the aspiring developers from the inside, and what makes this a big threat is that these developers can’t possibly get to know how good they are or have become.

This mindset hinders them from expressing themselves in the anyway as developers but rather just sit down alongside experienced geeks and listen on how they brag and explain their experience with the different technologies they’ve worked with. Just to break out a little bit.

Let’s review the human body, a human body on its own is a system with a couple of individual components put together to perform specific tasks and in the end, form a human system. However, when we look closely at the human system (body) few of these components are visible to the naked human eye.

What we could term as the most important parts of the human system are actually hidden inside the human body. Back to the introvert point, a lot of developers have or are better on specific technologies and are at some extent even better than some of the developers they think are more experienced than them but they don’t expose themselves to the potential chances where they can actually be identified and given a chance to do something good in the software sector, these developers end up leaving in the corners of their apartments, live miserable lives and quitting programming as a career.

Unless given an aid like an x-ray machine, ultra-sound, its when you can get to see some of these other components (organs) of the human body that perform in sync to learn the human system. So in the same context of software development, it would require a patient talent seeker or a friend to look deep inside an introvert developer to find out that he/she is actually a capable candidate for a particular software development task.

Who on earth would have this time to try and search into an introverted developer to find out how much you can do or add to a team?

I argue you to go out there, build a presentable profile from the many projects you have on Github, build a personal profile websites, attend community Developer groups, be present on social platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter to mention but a few, write about your experience on platforms like medium. Build a personal brand and let the world know you exist.

Your future self will thank you for it.



Isaac Ssemugenyi

Software Engineer with Stanbic Flyhub Uganda, Love programming with javascript, nodejs, vuejs, react, react-native and Java.