A Dummy Currency Converter in Rust

Photo by Stephen Dawson on Unsplash

It occurred to me after being tasked to come up with a currency converter in C, that why don’t I test my rust skills and do the same in rust which has been a bit challenging but easier at last than in C. It could be simple for the rest but given that me I was also new to C, it was a bit challenging to work with strcmp and char*’s to compare and input strings respectively.

Photo by Thomas Tastet on Unsplash

So here is my implementation both in rust and C but a disclaimer, in rust I did not care about the conversion rate but to have the logic working. Enjoy

Rust And C implementation

Hope you enjoyed reading through, feel free to comment and advise me as I try to better my self.



Isaac Ssemugenyi

Software Engineer with Stanbic Flyhub Uganda, Love programming with javascript, nodejs, vuejs, react, react-native and Java.